We have been fairly healthy for the last three years, buying organic and growing our own when we can. Eating foods from the produce section. Daring not go down every isle in the grocery store and putting "junk" in our carts. Omitting pastas that are not whole grain, using whole grain flour & not drinking soda. Eek.
If you aren't already doing this in your home it is the simple little changes that we feel make the biggest differences. - That will be a whole other blog post. I am getting sidetracked here.
Mommy Menus - Thats me. I am going to enjoy sharing some of my tested dinner menus with you. How the kids
{I am a tea drinking. Listing loving. Healthy cooking. Mommy.}
Daddy Deadlifts - Thats him. He is going to share his routines {well tested I might add} some found blurbs and such that may entertain the health nut.
{Hes a protein drinking. Tuna eating. Weightlifting. Daddy.}
By the way- we do allow our kids to play video games, hell we play them too. We do eat cake on our birthdays! - Portion Control.